Cleaning guide for cabins

  • Every surface needs to be cleaned to the same level you received the cabin.

  • Windows and window sills to be cleaned thoroughly.

  • All cupboards to be cleaned thoroughly inside and out.

  • Marks to be removed from walls and light switches. All surfaces should be cleaned to remove fly spots, especially the ceiling.

  • All light fittings to be cleaned.

  • All floors, all skirting to be washed.

  • Carpets vacuumed.

  • Badly marked or stained carpet to be commercially cleaned.

  • Cobwebs to be removed.

  • Particular attention should be paid to the bathroom and toilet. Bathroom cabinet to be cleaned. Clean all soap residue and mildew.

  • Shower recess to be scrubbed. Shower screens and curtains to be washed.

  • Power cord to be left inside on floor.

  • Plumbing disconnected.

  • Let us know when it is ready for inspection.

Thankyou for your cooperation Smile

Yikes! There is currently a waitlist for some cabins.   Book in early!